

Welcome to Good Dinner, Mrs. Mellen, my lifestyle blog on cooking, gardening, entertaining, and living life surrounded by beauty and grace. I like to do all this with ease as I feel living your best life should flow effortlessly. I embrace my passions with joy, finding that life brings me happiness if I do my best in the present moment! I believe in doing my best every day without pressure to be perfect. After all, sometimes it’s life’s imperfections that are the most fun!

Family is where my heart resides and I love to cook for family and friends. The recipes on this blog are created for all cooking levels, especially the novice cook. I learned to cook from my mother who patiently explained the art of cooking to a young girl instilling a passion that continues to grow all these years later. She inspired me to tackle anything, not only cooking-related but in life. My hope is that I inspire my readers to drop any fears or preconceived notions about cooking and freely just cook. What’s the worst that could happen? It doesn’t turn out well? We’ve all had failures, you grow as a cook from mistakes!

Another passion besides my family, yet connected to them, is my love for Martha’s Vineyard. We’ve vacationed on the magical island since my children were small. And now we’ve introduced our grandchildren to the island and the magic continues to charm them too.

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